Luke Orth
Instrument: Cello
Glenn Gould School
Cincinnati based cellist, Lucas Orth, currently studies at the University of Cincinnati’s College Conservatory of Music. Before that, he was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to pursue his passion for music at this prestigious Canadian conservatory, The Glenn Gould School. This past October Lucas gave a solo recital where he played works by Rachmaninoff and Fauré. He recently won a seat in the cello section of the Kentucky Symphony Orchestra and joined the Genèse Quartet. Lucas has won prizes in the Tennessee Cello Workshops Competition, the Cleveland Cello Society Scholarship Competition, and the National Federation of Music Clubs Mary Alice Cox Award. Most recently, he won 1st Prize in the 2023 Matinee Musicale Scholarship Competition. During the summers of 2016, 2017, and 2019, he attended the Green Mountain Chamber Music Festival, and in the summer of 2023, he participated in the Ohio Light Opera festival. He has performed in masterclasses for many artists including Steve Doane, Julie Albers, Matt Haimovitz, Richard Aaron, Peter Wiley, Carter Brey, Hans Jørgen Jensen, and Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi. In 2018, he performed the first movement of Dvořák’s Cello Concerto with the Cincinnati Symphony Youth Orchestra under the baton of Gene Chang. Lucas Orth started cello at age 6 with Ellen Shertzer and studied with Alan Rafferty in high school. He is studying at the College Conservatory of Music under the tutelage of Alan Rafferty. On loan from the Virtu Foundation, Lucas plays on a 1999 Roger Lanne cello. In his spare time, he enjoys reading novels; some of his favorites include the Lord of the Rings, Dracula, and Le Miserables.